
Once upon the time, Mike, Lars, Daan, and Hans from Netherlands have decided to combine their love for coffee with their passion for technology. They joined forces in 2012 to create Bluecup – a refillable capsule for Nespresso® machines. This product kills two birds with one stone. It enables you to prepare the best espresso in your entire life, while also supporting the environment. This device is friendly for you wallet, too.

With Bluecup, you can enjoy delicious cups of coffee made of your favorite espresso grind. Choose your flavor: you can make your grind from fresh roasted beans, bought from your local espresso boutique. Bluecup finally gives you freedom with your choice of coffee. The system is patented and tested over 10.000 times, so you can be sure that your coffee never will be watery. These capsules are environment-friendly and can be reused over 100 times. The Bluecup set contains refillable capsules, replaceable aluminum foils, a capsule creator, and a spoon which can be attached to a capsule.

How does the Bluecup system work? In eight easy steps, you prepare your favorite coffee. Take a capsule and click the capsule in the spoon. Next, fill the capsule with coffee, then place the Bluecup into the cup creator and simply unclip the black holder. Put the aluminum lid on the filled Bluecup and twist the transparent part of the cup creator onto the black capsule holder. Push down the transparent part, twist to the right, then twist to the left – and voilà! In less than 25 seconds, you can create a perfect Bluecup coffee even faster than a traditional machine creates an espresso.


Additionally, The Bluecup system has several patented innovations. First, Bluecap has a patented capsule. The ring of the capsule has on, both sides, a softer inner ring. When making an espresso, water flows instantly from the filled capsule without any leakage. The foil is also patented and the edge is made of rolled aluminum. This can be easily wrapped around the capsule without using glue.

Likewise, the Bluecup is equipped with a spoon which can easily attach to a capsule. Finally, there is the capsule creator. This consists of two parts: a lower hard coal part and a transparent upper part. The lower part provides the right amount of the pressure, while the upper part rolls down the edge of the foil and wraps it around the capsule.


One more curiosity, Bluecup is 99 x more environmentally friendly than prefilled capsules! Any further doubts? So, if you are a coffee enthusiast who likes to protect our planet, you have to support the Bluecup campaign on Kickstarter. Don’t hesitate, pre-order Bluecup for 37€ now and …espresso yourself!


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